

So today I was thinking about relationships and what’s “logical”. I’ve always told myself that once I got to a point that I was thinking about marriage I would always play it smart. Always have my own money, my own life, my own goals, my own aspirations. I would always keep myself guarded enough that if anything bad happened I would be okay.
As I considered this thought process, I realized that leaves no room for REAL love. What is love if you don’t trust that person with absolutely everything you have. No doubt it leaves you much more vulnerable for the rest of your life, but it also allows the experience of loving someone with no barriers. This is not to say that losing identity is the essence of love, but bringing those two identities together to form something even more beautiful.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I’m done being guarded and scared. I’m done being so worried about making sure I keep what is mine and give it to no one else. Maybe someday I will be completely devastated, but I can rejoice in the fact that I loved in a way only possible by giving myself wholly to someone else.


This past weekend was so crazy and eventful, here it is in short:

-Ethan had 2 shows in Michigan this weekend, so early Friday afternoon we started out on the 3 1/2 hour drive. We arrived in Rockford (near GR) at Epic Coffee House.

-We stayed at Ethan's friend, Jon's, parents house that night. It was an incredible house and I was overwhelmed by their love and hospitality. They made sure we were well taken care of on our stay and Jon even made us pancakes the next morning. Awesome!

-Saturday night was another show at Guido's Coffee Lounge in Owosso (near Lansing). The turn out for the show was so good. I think like 60 people packed in a not-so-spacious room to listen to some good music. Ethan played such a great show - I even caught a couple high school girls mouthing to each other, "wow! he is soooo good" :) brought me a little laugh. The people there were so supportive, many overpaid for CDs just to contribute to our gas tank.

-I met so many incredible people over the weekend. I'm quite positive I've never felt so comfortable and welcome with a group of strangers. Jon's dad prayed over us before we left, which was unexpected but still awesome and appreciated. We finally got home at 1:00 am and basically fell into bed.

-Today we picked up the kittens that mom & I got. Two little girlies - mine, Lux, and mom's, Chloe. It was quite the fiasco picking them up. Four of us were running around a garage trying to catch Chloe as she darted underneath cars and riding mowers. Lux has adapted quicker because I held her the entire hour we were chasing the other. Chloe is still a bit timid, but warming up quickly. Pictures soon (I'm much too tired right now).

-That's all for tonight, folks. I am off to bed!