


is Gay Spirit Day, so wear purple. Not because you support gay marriage (I do, in case you were wondering) or because you're gay (I'm not), but because every human being deserves equal rights. This isn't a religious issue, nor should it have ever been, it is a civil rights issue. We think we've come so far, yet we deny basic rights to a certain group of people because we think that's what God wants. Find all the "anti-gay" verses you like, I've heard them all. I'll show you twice as many about loving others. "Marriage is sacred", "They chose to live that way, they can help it", "They should just get over it, everyone gets bullied" ...seriously? If it was your child/sibling/friend being bullied to the point of suicide, would you still feel that way? Then, there's my personal favorite, "If we let them get married, then people will start marrying their cats." Get a grip, please. How does it effect you in any real way? It doesn't invalidate your marriage or your relationship because homosexual ones are accepted. It doesn't effect you at all, besides building up bitterness and hatred towards thousands of people you've never met. My heart breaks for the people still fighting for civil rights (not just gays) - I thought this was over. Get off your high horse, love those around you (regardless of sexual orientation), and put on a purple shirt.


My entire life upon asking the question, "How did you know he/she was 'the one'?"

I received the answer, "I just knew"

To which I typically responded, "Ha.. oookay" and proceeded to walk away.

But now I get it; I just know. That's literally the only way I can explain it and I wouldn't have it any other way. Trying to do so would make it a little less beautiful.

All I can say is, thank you, God.