

This is what brings me Joy..

I sit down at that old piano
the one that my mother, uncles, brothers, and I
all learned to play on
my world falls completely away
and it is well with my soul.


I love a transformation

A week or so ago, I cut & colored Anna's hair. May I just say, it was a beautiful change! Also, I LOVE cutting off tons of hair.

This is what we started with - long, crazy, thick, multi-colored locks..

This is everything I got rid of..

This is her gorgeous, new, evenly-toned hair from the front..

And from the side!

Great success :]

What would you do if I sang out of tune?

Krista & I have been hanging out a lot lately.
It's nice to be getting close with her again, I've missed her.
She's a great friend - always honest & supportive.
On top of that, we never stop laughing when we're together.
It's good to have a friend close by.
We're going to be bachelorettes together soon.
Haha :]


Don't for a minute change the place you're in...

I start work Monday and I'm terrified. I'm incredibly excited, but growing up is something I'd like to avoid. Sure, I want to move on and see what's next, but I want to remain carefree and semi-void of responsibility.

Thanksgiving yesterday was great. I love spending time with my family, especially my brother. Madeline ate with us at my mom's, and the thought of the last Thanksgiving I spent with Maurice at their house almost brought me to tears. He was such an incredible man, and although it's been nearly 4 years, I still miss him almost daily. Sometimes, I just long for his confirmation.

My life feels crazy right now, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess I'm ready for the next few weeks - to see what is to come.


I am 20 years old (as of yesterday).
I start a new job next week.
I like someone.
I am very, very happy.
That is all.


Before I die I want to...

1.    Change someone's life.
2.    Adopt a child.
3.    Fall in love.
4.    Get married.
5.    Have children.
6.    Learn to sew.
7.    Finish reading East of Eden.
8.    Read every book by Ernest Hemingway.
9.    And JD Salinger.
10.  Write an essay.
11.  Participate in an organized debate.
12.  Sing/play piano in public at least one more time.
13.  Sleep under the stars all night long.
14.  Learn to cook as well as my mom.
15.  Be in a play.
16.  See Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.
17.  Buy my own car - without a loan.
18.  Go to California.
19.  Drive a boat.
20.  Somehow repay my parents for everything they've done.
21.  Write a book about my life.
22.  Acquire a love for exercise.
23.  Own a home.
24.  Decorate my own home.
25.  Volunteer helping children.
26.  Write a letter to the editor.



I'm so sick of everyone telling me who I should be with. The reasons they give are even worse! "He needs to get over his last gf..." or "He's going to be successful & you have a lot in common..." or my favorite, "OMG we'd love it if you dated him!" I don't care how amazing some guy may seem to everyone else, or how perfect they think he may be for me... I don't want to wake up one morning and realize I'm stuck in a marriage with a baby and not be absolutely crazy about my husband. I'm not interested in how successful or good looking someone is, I want to be head over heels in love with him. I refuse to settle. The End.


Don't stop this train

I've had a fabulous day to say the least. I went into a salon downtown yesterday, and I was very impressed with the lady I met and what we talked about. I took an application and brought it back today with my resume. When I took it in, we set up a meeting for Monday at 3 to talk about things. I'm really excited for it, yet nervous because there are some things that would need to work out a certain way for me to be able to work there. I feel like I walked into that salon yesterday for a reason, so I hope that something works out for me. The stylists there would be incredible people from which to learn!

Also, yesterday Craig gave me the e-mail of the woman to talk to at Redken about a job. I sent her an e-mail last night as soon as I had the chance, telling her about my interest in being a representative for her company. I received a response this afternoon! I was so excited to say the least. She said she wants to meet with me so that we can talk about possibilities. If this somehow works out, it would literally be my dream job. I have a passion for what I do, but the aspect of it that I truly enjoy, is sales and marketing. I almost love talking about what I do more than actually doing it. I love learning about products and color lines, and Redken is a line with which I am already pretty familiar. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the job of my dreams!

Now all I have to figure out is how to break the news to my current boss (of about less than 2 weeks), IF either/both of these opportunities work out. I want to avoid burning any bridges. Hmm...


Crazy crazy crazy

Story of my life right now. I have NO idea what is going on or what to think...but it's okay, I've embraced the chaos. :] It will all work out as it should.

P.S. Heath got accepted to Princeton today. Congrats to my incredibly talented brother!