

Sweet Memories

I miss the days when everything was easy. Like two years ago when all I cared about was hanging out with my best friends everyday and watching movies. When most of my friends were guys, and I didn't have to put up with sensitive girls and all their bitching. I miss having art and algebra with my best friends in the whole world. I didn't worry about bullshit like paying bills or finding a good job. Back when my biggest concern was what was happening that weekend. I want to have 3 months of summer to do absolutely nothing. I want to stay out with my friends until 4 am and sleep until noon the next day. I want to sit in an air conditioned office making phone calls and doodling. Believe it or not, I actually miss going to the Center and watching crazy little kids 2 days a week. Back then, I believed with all my heart that no matter what happened, everything would work out for the best in the end. It's not that I don't believe that anymore, because I do, it's just that I believe it in a different way. I believe it in a way that's not quite as innocent and whole-hearted as before. I want to come home from school and know that I'll have some good food to eat. More than anything, I miss seeing my friends. I miss being able to have real conversations with them. I miss having people around that I actually trust and have memories with. I know that it'll take time to build relationships with new people like the ones I already have, but I don't want to wait. I'm impatient as all hell, and sitting around until I have that security again is just not good enough. I hate the pressure of going to a school full of girls that are all about their hair, makeup, clothes, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love getting ready when I'm going out, but I miss the days when I would just throw on jeans & any shirt and a bit of makeup & I looked wasn't anyone's primary concern. This place depresses me. Being around shallow people depresses me. Maybe I'll just stick to telemarketing. Just kidding.