


It's about the hair, of course

Yes, that is exactly what it looks like. A bar of soap..FOR YOUR HAIR. Thank you, Tigi, for making a convenient, natural way to wash hair in a hurry. I bought it months ago and totally forgot about it until today, and to add to it, my hair feels great. Even I was shocked. Tigi has been one of my favorite hair care & make up lines since I discovered them in school. They have great products with really fun packaging/names. Everything from Bed Head to S Factor to Rockaholic to Love, Peace, & the Planet (their all-natural hair care line). Any company that can meet the needs of all ages & types of people wins in my book. With that said, I am NOT cutting my hair off.

Also, I am loving my job & the people I work with. Marion isn't where I want to be forever, but for now I am more than content being here and making the most of it. I am so thankful to have been brought to this salon with these people. It's the perfect place for me right now and the perfect plan that I couldn't have imagined if I tried.

Letters to Juliet

I saw it today with my aunt, it was a little sappy I must admit...but it made me think a bit. The premise of the movie is that Sophie, the main character, finds a 50 year old letter written to Juliet. She answers it and they go on an adventure to find the woman's long lost love..blah, blah, blah. That's not what caught my attention. At the wedding of the long lost lovers, the bride read the letter Sophie had written to her as Juliet in response. I can't seem to find the letter online, but the beginning was a little something like this: "'What' and 'if' are two of the least threatening words in the English language. It's when they're put together that they can haunt you for the rest of your life. What if?" Mushy, I know, but just a little food for thought.


Pet Peeve

When people call into the salon and make an appointment and say, "Soo um liiiike I don't know what I want, maybe like um some color or like some highlights or like who knows maybe just a haircut! Hehe!" Really now? It seems that it would be common courtesy to not call someone to make an appointment unless you know what you want that appointment to be for. Apparently not.

Also, don't email me asking for prices on highlights and then throw in that you're a transgendered that totally necessary? I could care less what kind of woman you are, it doesn't change the prices.


Day 2: Riding My Bike to Work

I love it. By the time I get to work I'm already hot and sticky, but I don't mind so much. It's somehow freeing to not be able to take off and go anywhere at anytime easily. I sat and read at work all day, because I wasn't busy. It was a good day :)


Where do you fit?

This comes from part of a conversation that Josh and I had today about the church in which we grew up. We discussed how so many of the "Christians" there, and everywhere, love to put people into categories; whore. fag, teen mom, thief, alcoholic, drug addict, adulterer, smoker, lower class citizen, the list goes on and on. People are grouped up according to their worst characteristic, while their good ones are completely overlooked.  We're all guilty of putting ourselves on this pedestal of judging those we come in contact with, and it's disgusting. Why is church a place we go to pretend we're something we aren't? Shouldn't it be a place to go and feel safe and comfortable; a place to work out your problems with your fellow believers. I refuse to attend church only to pretend as if I've never messed up and don't continue to mess up in some way daily. This walk of following God is a struggle faced everyday, it's something we should be able to share and work through together. People shouldn't be ruled out because they fit into some category of sin, because they don't hide who they are to impress you. This has to change. Christians can no longer be seen as cold, judgmental, hypocritical people, but as loving, caring, giving, open and honest people. Much, much more was discussed, but this is all for tonight - I'm exhausted!

"Let us be very sincere in our dealings with each other and have the courage to accept each other as we are."
- Mother Teresa

So sweet

If she can be this positive, then so can I.



I read this article last night. It didn't have anything overly profound to say, I just enjoyed it.

For some reason, this cracks me up | MySpace Video


Food & Friends

Last night I went to Loren's with Nick and Mandrew to eat some homemade lasagna & watch movies. I had so much fun just relaxing and laughing. After we ate Loren's delicious lasagna, we went to Payne's for some custard. Then we went back to his house to watch Zoolander & Harry Potter. Here are some pictures from the evening. :)

Nick driving..
Nick caught me mid-chew
In between arguments
Trying to get a picture 2 ft away from each other
Obviously Loren needs 5 screens
Pretty cute


Welcome to America

A couple months ago a friend told me about the situation in Carmel with the basketball players. 4 (I believe) senior basketball players snuck 2 freshman onto their bus for "initiation". They proceeded to hold the young boys down and sodomize them. I hadn't heard much else on the situation until today, when they were announcing on the news the charges they were facing and the bails that had been set. I was completely disgusted when the woman listed the charges - ALL being multiple misdemeanors of assault/battery and criminal misconduct, with no bail set higher than $5000. SERIOUSLY?! These boys will get away with probation and maybe community service and will get out by paying $500 to a bondsman as long as they show up in court. They aren't getting charged with anything sexual, meaning they won't be on a sex offender list, meaning they could become teachers, coaches, principals, etc. They'll be allowed to go to college and face virtually no consequences for their actions. Why? Because their parents have money.

I was reading an article about the incident in Virginia where the wealthy boy murdered his girlfriend "on accident" when she broke up with him. I'm sorry, but bullshit. The article stated the boy had gotten in trouble prior to attending college and there were warning signs. Why were they ignored? His parents have money. Boys will be boys. If there is anything we can learn from the situation in Virginia, it's that violent warning signs should never be ignored, no matter how much money their parents offer.

The prosecutor from Carmel made the comment "We're all like a family here, and we have to remember we're dealing with children." First of all, if your family condones raping one another, you have a whole new set of problems. Second of all, if your "children" are old enough to fight and die for our country, they're old enough to go to prison for forcing themselves upon 15 year old boys. This situation is so infuriating. It's not my place to assure those boys face justice, but I pray to God they understand the severity of what they've done. Hopefully, someone will realize how disgusting their behavior is and take action to ensure that they are never in a position to do this again.

This must be why Whitney married him..


A look into my mind

1. "I love you too sissy!" - this little text from Drew brightened my day.

2. Starbuck's is full of people much trendier than I.

3. Creeps love me. The feeling is far from mutual.

4. Overbearing = unattractive.

5. Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a little crazy, but good.

6. It needs to be nice outside. My bike misses me.

7. I have a busy week ahead of me. I love it.

8. NEVER ask a girl "are u a good kisser? lol!" You've just repulsed her.

9. Flat Top Grill is good, but insanely overpriced.

10. I fit into my old jeans yesterday. Go Zumba!



My big brother, Heath, graduated from Huntington University today Summa Cum Laude with a BA in Communication Studies. In the Fall he will be heading off to Princeton to get his Masters in Divinity. I am SO beyond proud of him!!

These are the men in my life. Notice how the last three look like the exact same person at different stages in life (and of course Drew is trying not to laugh). I love them dearly and thank God for them daily - they protect, love, and support me in every way they can. I couldn't ask for better!

I'm too excited to not share!

A couple months ago, I was watching America's Best Dance Crew (don't judge me). They had brought back all of the winners of past seasons to dance and then donate $10,000 to a charity of their choice. One of the "Crews" chose a charity called The Sparkle Effect. It was a program started by two high school cheerleaders in Iowa to include special needs kids with their cheer squad. I was really excited as I watched and heard from the girls who started it and saw the passion they had for it. I let it sink in for about a week and finally got online to see what it was all about, after reading I was sure I wanted to do it. I approached Ronnie, my cheer coach from Marion, to see if he would be interested in doing it with me - obviously his participation is vital. He was into the idea and immediately talked to some girls on his cheer squad who will be the core group of the program. About a week ago, paperwork was turned in to Mr. Bragg, the principal, for approval before we can start. So basically, we're just waiting for the "Ok" from him to get things rolling! I really hope that it all works out and goes well. I'm so excited I just had to let it out. :)

PS this is my 100th post!


Live & Learn..hopefully

My heart hurts for people so often. To see families hurting because of decisions made by loved ones, especially parents for their children, kills me. I learned of a situation last night involving a close friend of the family. Sometimes it's hard to fathom someone's actions when you love them and know what kind of person they are inside, when you see the potential they possess. It makes me so sad to see my own generation falling apart at the seams as they turn "recreational fun" into destructive lifelong habits. I long for them to see that their past shouldn't define their future. That no matter how much they mess up, they will ALWAYS be loved. I am so proud of my brother and how well he is doing, I don't know what I would do without him. I can only hope that this friend is given a second chance and sees that she can still turn things around and leave all of this in the past, where it belongs.



I've always had very vivid dreams, and I almost always remember them. Sometimes it's a beautiful thing, because they're crazy & exciting. Example, two nights ago I dreamt of a monster living in a woman's body. Then other times it's really, really depressing. Like when I dream of things I want, and then I wake up.



My brother has found TWO jobs! I am so proud of him :)

This boy is only 12..

I don't even like Lady Gaga, but this is talent to appreciate.

Also, check out his YouTube channel to hear a couple songs he wrote.


I've decided

That if a boy doesn't have to shave, has no hair on his entire body, and spends more than 10 minutes styling his hair, he's too pretty for me.

anything along these lines = NOT okay.


Everybody Thinks That Everybody Knows

Yesterday at my dad's house while we were celebrating his birthday & mother's day, I was forced to spend time with all of my family. I usually get along with them, until their ignorance makes my ears bleed. Example, my aunt (who's always had a sense of entitlement due to the fact that she married a doctor) asked me what on earth I was thinking when I got the tattoo on my arm. "Honey it's so big! You're going to regret it." Gosh, you're right, I hadn't noticed it's size prior to your making a spectacle of it. Then my uncle (who also shares this same sense of entitlement) said, "What do you have invested in all that? Thousands of dollars?" I replied, "No, my back was only $80." Him, "No way, only $80?? That's not possible.." Oh gosh, you're right! I wasn't the one that paid for it....oh wait. Then, I'm discussing cutting my hair (with family & others) and you would've thought I told them I was getting my nose cut off. "Oh honey, come on now, you really want to cut your hair off?" or, "But it just looks so cuuuuute!" No, it's definitely not growing back..this is the only chance I have. Since when did it become okay to enforce our ideas on others and tell them how to live?



I went with my grandpa & aunts to visit my grandma today in the nursing home. It always breaks my heart to see her there, especially when we have to leave. She usually cries and begs my grandpa not to leave her, she doesn't understand that he can longer provide the care for her she needs. Their love is beautiful. It wasn't easy, it may have been learned, and it was never perfect, but it's something wonderful to witness. My grandpa hugs her, kisses her, and dotes on her. He is the only thing she ever wants to talk about. Today  we asked her what she wanted to talk about and she said, "Let's just talk about how wonderful my husband is!" It's the sweetest thing. Someday, I hope to find someone to care for me the way he cares for her, and someone with which to share that kind of love.


New Friends!

I went over to Nick's house today for food & hang out time. A few of his friends from IWU were there, including a couple that is getting married over the summer. Typically engaged couples make me gag a little bit, because they pretend there is nothing wrong in the world and assume their relationship is perfect and superior to those of their peers. Not the case with these two. They were fun and enjoyable, totally down to earth, very independent yet obviously in love. It was just a healthy, realistic relationship...I had a blast hanging out with them. They have restored my belief in functioning couples. :)

Once again..

..he stole my heart :)


Everybody knows..

Today, I got an Urban Outfitters catalog in the mail. I had no interest in looking at it to wish I had more clothes. Apparently, I'm growing up.

Ridiculous behavior

Why do girls forget their own ambitions as soon as they get into a relationship? Only to put all of their time and energy into their boyfriend's/husband's ambitions. Being together doesn't mean focusing on ONE person's goals. I'm so sick of seeing girls my age completely lose their identity in their boyfriend and be perfectly fine with giving up everything they've ever wanted. I was talking to my mom the other night about the cruise ship idea and she said, "You better do it now while you're single, because once you're in a relationship it'll be different. You may not want to." WHAT?! Just because I find someone to be with doesn't mean I'm going to decide to do whatever he tells me and forget my own thoughts. If he's the right person he'll support what I want to do, the same way I would support him. Girls are so afraid of telling a guy what they think for fear of upsetting him, but if he tells them what they think it's the gospel truth. It gets old to sit and watch people you care about in this situation.


What I'm working towards

Today at work, I was talking to April about different job opportunities and she brought up working on a cruise ship. This is something I had thought about at one point when Drew's barber brought it up, but have since pushed to the back of my mind. Well now I'm seriously considering it. In a year or so when I'm 21 (requirement for most ships) and more experienced, I'm going to apply. I'm at a point in life where I can call my own shots - I have no one else to base my plans around, and I plan on taking full advantage of that. From what I've gathered reading online, I could either choose to work a seasonal period of time, like 3 months during summer, or a 6-9 month stint straight. I would be happy with either, I think it'd be a great adventure. The biggest benefits would be the lack of expenses/taxes. I could potentially make more money at a salon around here, but I'd also have utilities, booth rent, taxes, etc. I think all around it'd be an awesome experience, but not a long-term career. I'm excited just thinking about it! I will be pouring all of my energy into acquiring the skills and experience needed for this to happen.


Way back when

I was driving home from Noblesville today enjoying the scenic countryside that is State Road 37. As I pulled into my driveway and looked at the hospital parking garage, I was reminded of a simpler time. A couple friends and I would walk, or drive, up to the top of the parking garage at night and just lay down watching the stars and talking about life. We'd stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning, sleep in until noon, and then do it all over again. Some of my best memories aren't the nights I went to big concerts or parties with tons of people I barely knew. They're the nights of walking around outside just enjoying each other's company, or driving out to the country to get a better look at the stars. The nights of imagining other universes and life forms, driving to Kokomo solely for a bag of Jelly Bellies, playing game after game of Boggle or Speed Scrabble. Although I'm content with my life currently, and excited for the future, I miss these simple days and long for that state of mind.