


I've recently been completely re-evaluating myself. There are so many aspects of my character that I desire to be different. I want to be slow to anger, and quick to help. I want to be impossible to annoy, and known for my patience. I want to stop caring so much about myself, and truly care for those around me. I want to be more concerned with giving to others than taking for myself. I want not to just hear what people say to me, but to actually listen to them. I don't want to be seen as heartless or mean, but to be someone that people feel like they can come to with their problems. I want to be slow to judge, and accepting of others. I want to let people in, even if it means getting hurt, instead of always shutting them out. I want to stop being so cynical, and see the good in those around me. I want to trust that God has a plan for me, and stop trying to plan my own future. I want to put all of my cares and worries upon Him, because they are not my burden to bear. I want to find happiness in the littlest of things. I feel like a fire has suddenly been lit inside of me, and I am full of passion that is ready to burst out.

"Cause Mr. when you're rattling on Heaven's gate
By then it is too late
Cause Mr. when you get there
They don't ask what you saved
All they'll want to know Mr. is what you gave"
-Ben Harper

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