

Where do you fit?

This comes from part of a conversation that Josh and I had today about the church in which we grew up. We discussed how so many of the "Christians" there, and everywhere, love to put people into categories; whore. fag, teen mom, thief, alcoholic, drug addict, adulterer, smoker, lower class citizen, the list goes on and on. People are grouped up according to their worst characteristic, while their good ones are completely overlooked.  We're all guilty of putting ourselves on this pedestal of judging those we come in contact with, and it's disgusting. Why is church a place we go to pretend we're something we aren't? Shouldn't it be a place to go and feel safe and comfortable; a place to work out your problems with your fellow believers. I refuse to attend church only to pretend as if I've never messed up and don't continue to mess up in some way daily. This walk of following God is a struggle faced everyday, it's something we should be able to share and work through together. People shouldn't be ruled out because they fit into some category of sin, because they don't hide who they are to impress you. This has to change. Christians can no longer be seen as cold, judgmental, hypocritical people, but as loving, caring, giving, open and honest people. Much, much more was discussed, but this is all for tonight - I'm exhausted!

"Let us be very sincere in our dealings with each other and have the courage to accept each other as we are."
- Mother Teresa


  1. Just be very careful that you don't do the same thing to those of us who are old enough to be part of "the church" of which you speak.

    I hope and pray I am not looking for the less than quality characteristics in others. I hope I'm showing love to those around me. I would hate to be grouped into the "judgmental" category.


  2. I agree, I struggle daily to not do the same to them, but at least it's something I realize I need to work on. And NO, you are not grouped into that category! Not at all :)

  3. Oh goodness no, Keetha! The difference is geuine caring and concern...which you have! Which is one of the very big reasons I love you so dearly! :)

  4. Awwwwww my sweet two former students. I needed to hear these kind words today - - - seeing as I taught my last day EVER in my life today.

    Very sad face.

