

What I'm working towards

Today at work, I was talking to April about different job opportunities and she brought up working on a cruise ship. This is something I had thought about at one point when Drew's barber brought it up, but have since pushed to the back of my mind. Well now I'm seriously considering it. In a year or so when I'm 21 (requirement for most ships) and more experienced, I'm going to apply. I'm at a point in life where I can call my own shots - I have no one else to base my plans around, and I plan on taking full advantage of that. From what I've gathered reading online, I could either choose to work a seasonal period of time, like 3 months during summer, or a 6-9 month stint straight. I would be happy with either, I think it'd be a great adventure. The biggest benefits would be the lack of expenses/taxes. I could potentially make more money at a salon around here, but I'd also have utilities, booth rent, taxes, etc. I think all around it'd be an awesome experience, but not a long-term career. I'm excited just thinking about it! I will be pouring all of my energy into acquiring the skills and experience needed for this to happen.


  1. Oh, I think it would be a FABULOUS experience!!!!

  2. Me too! It's a feasible way to travel and see places I've always wanted to while still making money.

  3. I wonder if they'll hire old ladies with no skills? ;-)

  4. You can come with me and be the cocktail waitress! :)
