

Because this happened today..

I typically enjoy political discussions, or any discussions wherein people are sharing different opinions and viewpoints on a particular subject. The key to these discussions, especially those focused on politics, is that one cannot take things personally. Well, today was the election in Massachusetts, which would prove to be vital in the healthcare reform bill. All I heard at work all day was the typical conservative opinion of my father and co-workers. Another person, much closer to my age, expressed an opinion about the vote/healthcare bill. Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What would this world be without differences? Stagnant, that's what.

The way I see it, if one is going to reject the "socialization" of healthcare, then they should also reject the socialization of other things in everyday life. Do you send your children to public schools? Do you call the police or firemen in an emergency? Do you drive your car on paved roads? Do you know someone who has utilized the benefits of a methadone clinic in an attempt to overcome an addiction? Do you think it's okay for someone to go to a community mental health center for help? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, maybe you should re-evaluate your idea of socialism. Everyone keeps their mouths shut about these benefits, because who would complain about nice roads and essentially free schooling?

I'm not saying that the healthcare reform bill is 100% ideal, but then again nothing is. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for a change. A lack of ability to afford healthcare does not equate laziness or irresponsibility.


  1. As long as you're willing to open your wallet to pay for all these things - - - 'cause the government has never worked for one dime.

    I'm just sayin'

    Empty out your wallet 'cause SOMEBODY has to pay.

  2. I am, I know too many friends and family members who can't afford healthcare and have suffered the consequences. I have no problem putting forth my share to help those around me, because someday, I may be the one in need.

  3. I've always agreed with your opinion. You're a right once again.
