

It's been awhile

Not many things make me happier than sunshine on my shoulders and spending a whole day doing something I enjoy. It was amazing outside today and I wish I would've taken more advantage of it. I spent most of the day inside at my Dad's making a watch & a bracelet. I love making things. I would love to live on an island and own a jewelry shop, but I've got to have money to do that, ha. :]

I've been working the past two weeks and it's pretty terrible. The cooks are creepy & the place smells. I'm trying to tell myself that I only have to do it for 3 months & then I'm free. Hopefully I can stick with it.

Speaking of 3's about that long until I graduate! I can't wait, the past 7 months have gone by so fast, for which I'm thankful. Even though that place stresses me out and annoys me to no end, I'm going to miss it.

I'm learning to love people, even when they mess up..and it's really, really hard. I'm also trying to not be afraid of who I am and what I feel. It's something I've always struggled with, and I feel like very few people truly know me. I'm ready to move and have a place where I can really invest myself & my time, and people I can really get close to.

I keep having pregnant dreams. They totally freak me out because they seem so real. Eek. Good thing there's no possible way I'm pregnant.

I'm off to do yoga & laundry...and possibly read a book & finish a necklace I started.


  1. Hi Britt!

    I just noticed you started following my blog. Thank you, I am honored.

    I see from your profile you are also from Indiana, and are a cosmetologist. I have a daughter who also is a cosmetologist here in Indiana, and a niece-in-law too. Wondered if you found my blog through one of them???

    Honey - - - we need to get you some blog followers so you will get comments and feel ENCOURAGED about blogging. Lucky for you - - - I'm a commenter of the first order.

    Welcome to my little blog-o-sphere.

  2. Keetha, you know me, it's Brittney! I only started this because I need some place to let things out, I think followers would be bored :]

  3. Brittney!!!! Your AVATAR picture doesn't look very much like you!!!! I can see it now that you tell me, but you are far prettier than your avatar!!!

    I'll keep following - - - but I still say we need to get you a fan club!!!

  4. Haha, I'll try to find a better picture! :] If you can find a fan club interested in my life, I'd reward you somehow! Hah :]

  5. Now THAT is the Brittney I know and love!!!

  6. Haha, I thought you'd like that one better!

  7. Oh Brittney, that was FUNNY!!! Nope - - - no little men and not even any yellow lines!!! But I love it anyway.

    Come back over to my blog and vote for Greggie.

    And, while I'm ordering you around - - - don't'cha think its about time for a new post?????

    Love you.

    Still have one of your mom's plates in my dish cabinet!!!
